蒋黎晅 成虎 佘健俊
(1.东南大学, 江苏 南京 210096,2.南京工业大学, 江苏 南京 210009)
[摘 要] 中国的保障性住房建设存在资金短缺、选址困难等多重问题,充分利用市场机制推进保障性住房的建设已成共识。伴随中国城市轨道交通设施的大规模建设进程,考虑到城市轨道交通及沿线住房均具有准公共品特性,提出在轨道交通沿线配建保障性住房,为保障房建设提供有益的思路。
[关键词] 规划,轨道交通,保障性住房,配建
Abstract: There are multiple problems such as capital constraint and site selection dilemma etc. during the development of housing security in China. A consensus has been reached that we should make full use of market mechanisms to promote the process of housing security. China has entered the golden age of large-scale construction of urban railway transit, so the paper puts forward a helpful idea to develop mixed-housing security along the rail transit considering the characteristic of semi-public product for both rail transit and the housing.
Key words: planning, rail transit, housing security, mixed-housing development
[6]Whitehead C.. Planning policies and affordable housing:England as a successful case study[J]. Housing Studies,2007,22(1):25-44.


