胡鸣明 何琼 石世英 齐丹丹
(1.重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院, 重庆 400045;2.代尔夫特理工大学, 荷兰 代尔夫特 2600GA)
[摘 要] 以重庆为例,通过专家访谈和实地调研,对四种典型建筑垃圾处理路线(非法倾倒、简易填埋、综合处置和现场资源化)的直接成本和外部成本进行测算。结果表明:(1)现场资源化成本最低,将成为未来建筑垃圾处理的方向;(2)当前建筑垃圾管理转型的成败,取决于严格执法和资源化市场是否到位;(3)当务之急是确保消纳场和综合处置场的合理布点。由此提出针对性建议,供决策部门参考。
[关键词] 建筑垃圾,固废管理,回收利用,成本核算,重庆
Abstract: Chongqing is selected as the case city, where the direct and external costs of four typical construction and demolition waste (CDW) treatment routes (illegal dumping, controlled dumping, centralized recycling, on-site recycling) are measured, based on expert interviews and site investigations. The results show:(1)on-site recycling has the lowest costs and will be the direction for future CDW management; (2)success of current CDW management transformation depends on whether strict law enforcement and markets for recycled materials are in position;(3)a pressing matter is to ensure a sensible positioning for CDW disposal sites and recycling centers. Accordingly, operational advices are provided as a reference for decision-makers.
Key words: construction and demolition waste; waste management; recycling; cost accounting; Chongqing
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