刘贵文 刘霞 刘文卓
(重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院, 重庆 400045)
[摘 要] 价值工程在中国发展的曲折历程表明,传统价值工程理论和方法体系不能很好地适应项目环境的需要。通过对比分析项目环境和传统工业生产环境的区别,阐述项目环境下价值工程活动开展面临的问题。最后运用基于项目环境的价值工程研究方法分析贵州省仁怀市城市规划项目。结果表明,项目环境下的价值工程的应用具有极大的发展潜力。
[关键词] 价值工程,项目环境,功能分析,城市规划
Abstract: The flexuous development course of value management(VE) in China manifests that the traditional theory and methodology system of VE could not be in line with the need of project environment perfectly. By a comparative analysis of project environment and traditional industrial production environment, this paper reveals the facing challenges in the development of VE activities. Finally, an urban planning project in Renhuai City of Guizhou Province is analyzed by a VE methodology based on project environment. The result shows that there is great development potential in the application of VE based on the project environment.
Key words: value engineering(VE); project environment; function analysis; urban planning
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