张祚 刘艳中 陈彪 朱清
(1.国家自然科学基金委员会政策局, 北京 100085;2.武汉科技大学资源与环境工程学院, 湖北 武汉 430081;3.中国地质大学<武汉>经济管理学院, 湖北 武汉 430074;4.中国国土资源经济研究院, 北京 101149)
[摘 要] 伴随着新加坡经济40余年的持续增长,其公共住房的发展也取得了巨大的成功。基于对新加坡公共住房发展历程、运行机制和价值理念的分析,文章得出结论:新加坡公共住房的发展逐步实现了新加坡居民人人有房住、人人有住房的目标,并通过各种方法让居民的住房保值和增值,完成了社会财富结构的重塑,最终为新加坡经济的持续发展提供了稳定的政治和社会基石。
[关键词] 新加坡,公共住房,广厦,恒产
Abstract: With the continuous development, more than 40 years, of Singapore's economy, Singapore's public housing policy achieves brilliant success. Based on the analysis and understanding of the Singapore public housing policy, the paper finds that, Singapore government use public housing policy as a tool not only provide a shelter for every people but also reallocating the wealth between different classes. Singapore public housing policy pursue guarantee all residents had their own property and struggle for properties' value could be maintained and increased, which at last providing a stable cornerstone in politics and society for continuous development of economy.
Key words: Singapore; public housing; housing a nation; enrich a nation
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