杨文庚 周星星 白永强 孙启洋 孙建荣
(国能北电胜利能源有限公司,内蒙古 锡林浩特 026000)
Abstract:In response to the current situation of drought,low rainfall,and water scarcity in the northern region,this paper fully draw on the concept of "sponge city" construction,combine climate characteristics and open-pit coal mine production characteristics,and explores the implementation of a new model of "sponge mining areas" to solve the problem of water scarcity. The article analyzes the scope of application of low impact development rainwater facilities,proposes specific plans for implementing "sponge mining areas" in open-pit mining industrial squares and waste disposal areas,and provides a detailed introduction to the implementation path and combination plan of facilities such as sunken green spaces,vegetation buffer zones,grassy ditches,wet ponds(artificial lakes),initial rainwater disposal devices,and fish scale pits. The feasibility and expected effects of the construction of "sponge mining areas" are discussed,and new paths are explored for promoting the construction of "green mines".
Keywords:ecological construction;sponge mining area;rain;greening
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