(上海应用技术大学城市建设与安全工程学院,上海 201418)
- 文献要素
摘要:随着钢结构建筑占新建建筑面积比例逐年增高,导致其碳排放量在建筑领域占比也日益突出,已成为影响建筑“双碳”战略目标实现的主阵地之一,积极开展钢结构建筑降碳策略研究,是推进建筑行业低碳绿色转型的重要举措。本文围绕降低钢结构建筑碳排放的宏观政策制度、有效降碳路径、工程应用现状中存在的突出问题进行了分析,提出面向钢结构建筑全寿命周期降碳发展的靶向对策,希望为钢结构建筑低碳发展提供参考。关键词:钢结构建筑;优化设计;低碳发展;降碳路径;发展对策Abstract:With the proportion of steel structure buildings in the newly built construction area increasing year by year,the proportion of their carbon emissions in the construction field is becoming increasingly prominent,which has become one of the main positions affecting the realization of the "double carbon" strategic goal of buildings. Actively carrying out research on the carbon reduction strategy of steel structure buildings is an important measure to promote the low-carbon green transformation of the construction industry. This paper analyzes the outstanding problems existing in the macro policy system,effective carbon reducing path and application in projects with carbon emission reduction of steel structure buildings,and puts forward the targeted countermeasures for the development of carbon reduction in the whole life cycle of steel structure buildings,hopes to provide reference for low carbon development of steel structure buildings.Keywords:steel structure building;optimized design;low-carbon development;carbon reduction path;development countermeasures参考文献[1] 潘继平,焦中良.面向碳达峰碳中和目标的中国油气发展战略思考[J].国际石油经济,2022(8):1-15.[2] 王国栋,张龙强,付静,等.“双碳”背景下我国废钢资源高质循环利用战略研究[J].中国工程科学,2024(3):63-73.[3] 刘琦铀,徐禧洛,张成科.“双碳”目标下政企及第三方检测机构三方演化博弈分析[J].工业工程,2024(1):145-154.[4] 王双明,刘浪,朱梦博,等.“双碳”目标下煤炭绿色低碳发展新思路[J].煤炭学报,2024(1):1-21.[5] DUNANT C F,DREWNIOK M P,ORR J J,etal. Good Early Stage Design Decisions Can Halve Embodied CO2 and Lower Structural Frames' Cost[J]. Structures,2021(33):343-54.[6] 游双矫,刘祥,岳小文,等.中国“双碳”和新能源政策特点及石油公司低碳发展建议[J].国际石油经济,2023(7):32-40.建筑经济,2024(10):25-32