宋宗宇 王耀东
(重庆大学建筑法研究所, 重庆 400045)
[摘 要] 为了解决竣工结算难问题,法释〔2004〕14号司法解释第20条确定了送审价作为工程结算价款规则,这是契约自由的必然要求。但是,此项规则在实务操作中的要求较高,对规则的合理性、适用前提、适用条件以及法律限制进行深入分析,有利于厘清当事人各自享有的权利和承担的义务,保证规则的正确实施,实现司法的实质正义。
[关键词] 送审价,施工合同,工程结算,意思自治,实质正义
Abstract: In order to resolve the issue of completing project settlement difficultly, the Article 20 of 〔2004〕14th Judicial Interpretation in China confirms the rule of confirming the project settlement price depending on the price submitted for examination, which is the inevitable requirement of freedom of contract. However, in practical operation, this rule is applied in meeting high demands and strict conditions. Legal depth analysis on rationality, premise and conditions of application and legal restrictions of it, helps parties clarify the respective rights and obligations, ensure the correct implementation of it and achieve judicial substantive justice.
Key words: drafting price for examination; construction contract; project settlement; autonomy of will; substantive justice


