程国倩 罗学平 杨本文
(江苏科技大学国有资产处, 江苏 镇江 212003)
[摘 要] 优化高校公用房资源配置,建立有效的管理机制,提高其使用效益,是高校须面对的现实问题。以江苏科技大学相关实践为例,探索高校党政机关办公用房、公共服务用房“定额配置,有偿使用,超额付费”管理机制。
[关键词] 高校,公用房,定额配置,有偿使用,超额付费
Abstract: Optimizing the allocation of public housing resources in the universities, establishing an effective management mechanism and improving the benefit in the use is the practical problem which many universities have to face. Based on the relevant practice about Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, this paper searches for an management mechanism about office occupancy of party and government organizations and public service occupancy in the universities, and the management mechanism is about ration allocation, compensated use, excess pay.
Key words: university; public housing; ration allocation; compensated use; excess pay
[4]苏建茹,郭奋,唐岚.加强公共用房的管理 大力提高房屋的使用效益[J].资产管理,2005(5):80-82.


