(1.华南理工大学,广东 广州 510641;2.浙江华东工程咨询有限公司,浙江 杭州 311100)
- 文献要素
摘要:价值共创行为是促进重大工程价值在不同阶段不同主体间形成、增长与转移的有效途径,但现有研究对其表现形式和作用机制尚缺乏系统认识,严重阻碍了此类积极行为在项目中持续有效地扩散。本文基于扎根理论构建重大工程价值共创行为的多维度结构模型,并基于组织行为视角系统探讨重大工程价值共创的实现路径,希望为进一步推动价值共创理论在重大工程领域“落地”提供参考。关键词:重大工程;价值共创行为;扎根理论;结构维度Abstract:The value co-creation behavior facilitates the inception,augmentation,and transference of value intrinsic to megaprojects among various stakeholders at disparate stages. But the attributes and structure of value co-creation behavior in the context of megaprojects remain largely unexplored and under-researched,which seriously hinders the sustained diffusion of such positive behaviors in projects. Using grounded theory,this paper develops the multi-dimension conception of megaproject value co-creation behavior. From an organizational behavior perspective,systematically explores the realization path of megaproject value co-creation. Hopes to provide reference for further promotion of the implementation of value co creation theory in major engineering fields.Keywords:megaproject;value co-creation behavior;grounded theory;structural dimension参考文献[1] Bettencourt L A. Customer voluntary performance:Customers as partners in service delivery[J]. Journal of Retailing,1997(3):383-406.[2] Groth M. Customers as Good Soldiers:Examining Citizenship Behaviors in Internet Service Deliveries[J]. Journal of Management,2005(1):7-27.[3] Yi,Youjae,Taeshik Gong. Customer value co-creation behavior:Scale development and validation[J]. Journal of Business Research,2013(9):1279-1284.[4] Organ D W. Organizational Citizenship Behavior:It’s Construct Clean-Up Time[J]. Human Performance,1997(2):85-97.[5] Podsakoff P M,MacKenzie S B,Moorman R H,etal. Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers’ trust in leader,satisfaction,and organizational citizenship behaviors[J]. The Leadership Quarterly,199(2):107-142.[6] Chi M,Chong H Y,Xu Y. The effects of shared vision on value co-creation in megaprojects:A multigroup analysis between clients and main contractors[J]. International Journal of Project Management,2022(3):218-234.[7] Lehtinen J,Peltokorpi A,Artto K. Megaprojects as organizational platforms and technology platforms for value creation[J]. International Journal of Project Management,2019(1):43-58.[8] 贾旭东,谭新辉.经典扎根理论及其精神对中国管理研究的现实价值[J].管理学报,2010(5):656-665.建筑经济,2024(4):78-86