(城发集团(青岛)启盛投资开发有限公司,山东 青岛 266520)
Abstract:In order to improve the quality management level of fine decoration. Constructed a quality evaluation system with fine decoration quality as the target level;human factors,environmental factors,mechanical factors,method factors and material factors as the criterion level;construction unit management and other factors as the plan level. Use the analytic hierarchy process to analyze and calculate the judgment matrix of each layer,use the consistency index and random consistency index results to judge the rationality of the structure model. Hierarchical management based on the weight value of each program layer,the ten program layer factors with a cumulative weight value greater than 0.8 are defined as critical factors and the rest are general factors,in order to achieve the management of the quality of the fine decoration. The statistical results show that among the key factors,human factors accounted for 4 items make up 45.1%,method factors accounted for 3 items make up 22.9%;material factors,mechanical factors and environmental factors accounted for 1 item each,making up 0.084%,0.033% and 0.033%,respectively. Finally,the key factors in the evaluation indicators were analyzed and targeted countermeasures and suggestions were proposed.
Keywords:analytic hierarchy process;fine decoration;quality management;evaluate
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