(西昌学院经济管理学院,四川 西昌 513016)
Abstract:There is a high demand among residents of multi-story residential buildings to solve the problem of inconvenient travel. National and local governments encourage the renovation of old residential buildings from a policy perspective,and installing elevators in multi-story residential buildings has become an important option for the renovation of old residential buildings. However,there is currently a lack of scientific and efficient decision-making methods for how to promote the high-quality implementation of the elevator renovation project. Based on the actual case of installing elevators in a residential area in Shanghai,this paper constructs a multi-dimensional technical and economic analysis method based on key technologies and core economic factors for the renovation project of adding elevators to multi-storey residential buildings. In the analysis method model,two indicators are selected:the technical evaluation of installing elevators and the selection of design schemes for key technical factors;The core economic factor dimension selects three indicators:investment control,funding sources and allocation,and value mining of elevator renovation projects involved in the installation of elevators. Based on these five technical and economic issues,a technical and economic analysis model for installing elevators in multi story residential buildings is constructed,providing a scientific and efficient analysis paradigm for the feasibility study of multi story residential elevator installation projects.
Keywords:multi-storey residential buildings;reinstalling elevators;technology and economis;anasys;method
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