高盛 卢健松
(湖南大学建筑与规划学院,湖南 长沙 410082)
Abstract:Building digital twin cities is an important carrier for the development of the digital economy and an important means of promoting the modernization of urban governance systems and governance capabilities. Therefore,exploring the construction and operation of digital twin cities has important practical significance. This article first comprehensively analyzes the connotation and operational mechanism of digital twin cities,and grasps the overview of digital twin cities as a whole. Secondly,based on existing practice exploration,eight typical areas of digital twin city construction are summarized,and advanced digital twin cities such as Beijing,Shanghai,and Shenzhen are selected as cases to summarize construction ideas and practical experience. Finally,analyze the difficulties and challenges faced by the construction of digital twin cities at the current stage,and propose suggestions for promotion based on reality,providing reference for the current construction of digital twin cities.
Keywords:digital twin cities;construction and operation;smart cities;urban governance
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