杨明娜 谢泗薪 孙敏
(1.南京审计大学,江苏 南京 211815;2.南通大学,江苏 南通 226019)
Abstract:In the current era of booming digital economy,the construction industry,as an important component supporting national economic growth,is gradually becoming the main industry for energy consumption and carbon emissions. Therefore,decoding the construction industry in Jiangsu Province and exploring its carbon neutrality strategy innovation not only has important theoretical value and application prospects,but also conforms to the new requirements of the times. This article first theoretically explores the impact of digital technology on carbon emissions in the construction industry,the shortcomings of the construction industry under the digital economy,and the important responsibility of energy conservation and consumption reduction that the construction industry bears;Then,it uses the IPCC carbon emission coefficient method to calculate the carbon emissions of 13 prefecture level cities and their construction industries in Jiangsu Province from 2015 to 2021,and analyzes them from two aspects:total carbon emissions and per capita carbon emissions;Finally,based on this,this article designs innovative solutions for the carbon neutrality strategy of the construction industry in Jiangsu Province from two dimensions:digitalization and greening.
Keywords:digital economy;construction industry;carbon neutrality strategy;carbon emission
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