- 文献要素
Abstract:Research the problems of the metaverse from the perspective of the development of “digital infrastructure” in the metaverse space is beneficial for exploring the practical applications of architectural metaverse in depth. This paper first analyzes the concept and types of the meta cosmic space,and believes that the meta cosmic space has the characteristics of euclidean space,relational space and cyberspace at the same time. Secondly,the application foundation and typical application scenarios of the architectural metaverse were explored from the perspective of empowering physical architecture and combining "virtual+real". Once again,based on the actual development of the industry,analyze the practical difficulties and challenges faced by the application of the metaverse in the construction field. Finally,suggestions are proposed to promote the development of the architectural metaverse from the perspectives of serving the real economy,enriching the infrastructure system of the metaverse,innovation,and risk prevention.
Keywords:metacosmic space;architectural metauniverse;digital infrastructure;application scenarios;exploration and practice
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