金威 郭生萍 俞建强 谢琳琳 罗子媛 王建望
(1.中国电建华东勘测设计研究院有限公司,浙江 杭州 311122;2.华南理工大学,广东 广州 510641)
Abstract:Megaprojects are the pillars of modern society,and the concept of value co-creation provides new ideas for the construction management of megaprojects. Starting from the service ecosystem theory,this paper constructs the overall framework of value co-creation system of megaprojects under PPP+EPC mode. Then,from the perspective of the whole life cycle,this paper analyzes the realization path of megaproject value co-creation under the PPP+EPC mode. Finally,this paper takes the Yiwu Mall Avenue PPP+EPC Project as an example to conduct preliminary application research and puts forward management suggestions. This study enriches the construction of value co-creation system in major engineering field and provides effective experience for the realization of megaproject value co-creation.
Keywords:PPP+EPC mode;megaproject;value co-creation;case study
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