鲍莉荣 郝书君 李春晓
(1.南京工业大学浦江学院,江苏 南京 210006;2.金辉集团环渤海区域公司,江苏 南京 210003;3.河北水利电力学院,河北 沧州 061001)
Abstract:Ownership structure,as the foundation of the PPP project company,determines the proportion of major shareholders in the project company,as well as the distribution of project income right and control right. However,in practice,PPP’s ownership structure is complex and diverse,and it is due to the unreasonable consideration of the influencing factors,leading to the operation of the project company blocked or even failed. Through literature research,this paper identifies and simplifies 16 factors that affect the ownership structure of the PPP project company,and applies the Interpretative Structural Model (ISM) to establish hierarchy and to systematically analyse how the influencing factors cross-interact. It is concluded that the influencing factors of equity structure of PPP projects can be divided into four levels,and reveals the correlation among the factors at all levels,so as to lay a theoretical foundation for the design of the ownership structure of PPP project company and the further research.
Keywords:PPP project;hierarchical structure model;Interpretative Structural Modeling;ownership structure;influencing factor
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