柯洪 狄硕
(天津理工大学,天津 300384)

Abstract:Government investment projects implement strict budget estimate approval and control system,and the accuracy and timeliness of budget estimate review is the top priority to ensure the smooth development of government investment projects. However,the evaluation efficiency of government investment project budget estimate is relatively low due to the problems of multi-department joint review,such as multi-head management and cross management. Based on two kinds of the common way of government investment project budget review,this paper compares and analyzes the evaluation method and single sector multi-sectoral mode on the basis of the trial,suggested to establish multi-sectoral united under the way of trial mandates a single institution assessment framework,without changing the current under the premise of government investment project examination and approval system,the optimal path is determined as the way that financial departments are entrusted and authorized to carry out budget evaluation under the multi-department joint review system,and relevant departments confirm their evaluation opinions. So as to solve the problems of multi-department management and unclear work interface,and improve the evaluation efficiency of government investment project budget.
Keywords:government investment projects;assessment of budget estimates;efficiency promotion
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