亓霞 曾大林 沙凯逊
(山东建筑大学,山东 济南 250014)
Abstract:From a point of view of the coupling relationships between clients,construction firms and construction projects,the dilemma of subcontracting in the construction industry is explored at the micro level. Because of the dual role of general contractors in project governance,many problems in subcontracting process can be attributed to those in project procurement process. The root cause of the dilemma of subcontracting lies in some structural problems in China’s construction industryin its transition period,which severely undermine the competitiveness of general contractors,making notorious mode of ‘labor contractingteam’ survive. It would be impossible to get out of the dilemma without these problems being solved,even if the restrictions on subcontracting had been removed by the government.
Keywords:construction project governance;resource base;firm competitiveness;general contractor;labor contractor
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