杨海静 王晓晨
(天津工业大学法学院,天津 430073)
Abstract:“Contingent payment clause”,a common contract clause in the construction industry,is different in nature,different in effect,different in burden of proof and different in judgment in judicial practice because of its nature of third-party-involved. Article 593 of the Civil Code generally generalizes the basic principle of contract relativity,which cannot take into account the particularity of all kinds of contracts. The immediate cause for “same cases,different judgements” in judicial practice is that there is no clear legal regulations in the current legislation,which reflects the value conflict and theoretical contention contained in the contingent payment clause.In order to achieve the “same cases,same judgments” of contingent payment clause,we should distinguish the different nature of “Pay-If-Paid” clauses and “Pay-When-Paid” clauses. Under the basic theory of the effectiveness of legal acts,we should realize the balance of rights and relief by clarifying the contractor’s obligation to inform and burden of proof.
Keywords:subcontract;contingent payment clause;contract relativity;principle of fairness;standard terms
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