刘贵文 周求章 黄娟
(重庆大学管理科学与房地产学院,重庆 400044)

Abstract:Taking Shenzhen as a case,this paper studies the spatio-temporal heterogeneous effects of urban renewal on the surrounding housing prices by the difference-in-difference method and spatial econometric model.The results show that:urban renewal has a significant positive spatial spillover effect,which drives up the surrounding housing prices. The surrounding housing prices increase by 14.3% and 13.2% after the planning and construction time of urban renewal projects,urban renewal has an obvious expectation effect on housing prices. Urban renewal has spatial heterogeneity in the impact of housing prices,and the effect of pushing up surrounding housing prices decreases significantly as the center distance increases. Urban renewal has different impacts on housing at different price levels,and the effect of pushing up housing prices gradually weakens as housing prices increase.
Keywords:urban renewal;housing price;spatio-temporal heterogeneous effect;difference-in-differences;spatial econometric model
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