罗福周 李静 张诺楠
(西安建筑科技大学管理学院,陕西 西安 710055)

Abstract:Based on the theory of perceived value,this paper takes a multi-group SEM to empirically study on the difference in the payment mechanism of the existing residential green and livable renovation of the all property and the collective property. The results show that:①The decision of the willingness to pay of residents with all property rights is based on the “objective rationality” of individual cognition,and is more easily affected by three factors:the expectation of housing renovation,the cost of renovation,and the sense of environmental responsibility. ②The residents with collective property rights have poor initiative in housing renovation,and the conversion rate of renovation intention to payment intention is low. The willingness to pay is the “subjective rationality” of individual cognition,which is more susceptible to the risk cost factors.
Keywords:residential green and livable renovation;multi-group SEM;willingness to pay
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