来越富 郑涛涛
(浙江科技学院,浙江 杭州 310023)


Abstract:In order to study overall development level of the construction industry,an index system for measuring the development level of the construction industry is constructed based on DPSIR model,an empirical analysis of the development level of the construction industry in China from 2006 to 2016 is carried out by using the improved weight TOPSIS model. The empirical results show that the development level of China’s construction industry has steadily improved since 2012,the factors of driving force system,state system,influence system and response system have positive significance to the development level of construction industry,but the factors in pressure system will hinder the further development of construction industry. Finally,according to the empirical research conclusions,puts forward some corresponding suggestions,such as introducing the purchase policy for the people optimizing the structure of construction enterprises and investing in new technology actively.
Keywords:construction industry;development level;DPSIR;weight;TOPSIS model

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