杨文静 李梦玄
(中南财经政法大学金融学院,湖北 武汉 430073)
Abstract:This paper analyzes the development potential of pension real estate from three aspects:population,purchase ability and purchase intention. Based on the extensive survey data in Wuhan,builds the Probit regression model to analyze the influencing factors of residents’ purchase of pension real estate. The results show that China’s pension real estate has a huge market demand and broad space for development. Age,household registration,occupation,gender and number of owner-occupied houses have a significant positive effect on the purchase intention of pension real estate,while residence status has significant negative effects. Besides,people with unstable income,and elder people with a large number of self-owned houses have a strong purchase intention for pension real estate. Therefore,it is suggested that government departments play a guiding role to promote the emergence of potential demand. At the same time,developers should optimize planning and designing based on the needs of target customers to achieve rapid and healthy development of pension real estate.
Keywords:pension real estate;demand;influencing factors;Probit
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