杜亚灵 凌美鲜 蒋雨婷
(1.天津理工大学管理学院,天津 300384;2.正中国际工程咨询有限公司,江苏 南京 210000)
Abstract:For the compensation problem for the failure of the projects to start operation on schedule due to government reasons,firstly,this paper analyzes the reasons that lead to the failure of the projects to operate on schedule based on the File of Finance [2014] No.156. Secondly,according to the whole process of the public-private transaction,divides the research problem into two cases,including the project cannot be completed on schedule due to reasons of the government and the project has been completed on schedule,but the operation cannot start on schedule due to government reasons based on completion acceptance as a cut-off point. Finally,analyzes the specific composition of compensation contents and corresponding determination calculation methods respectively,and illustrates with a case. Hopes to provide solutions to the compensation problem that PPP project cannot start operation on schedule due to the government’s reasons.
Keywords:PPP projects;government reasons;unable to start operation on schedule;compensation
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