程道平 景霖霖 彭山桂
(1.山东师范大学商学院,山东 济南 250358;2.南京农业大学公共管理博士后流动站,江苏 南京 210095)
Abstract:This essay takes the housing price of 35 major cities as the research object,and builds a spatial econometric model to test the trans-regional interaction of urban housing prices. On this basis,starting from the overall and individual levels,uses the GVAR model and network analysis method to investigate the trans-regional interaction’s pattern of urban housing price. The findings are as follows:There is a significant trans-regional interaction among urban housing price. At the overall level,the trans-regional interaction of urban housing prices is interwoven into a network structure. At the individual level,the impact of housing price changes in a single city on global and regional housing prices is unevenness and presents obvious spatial heterogeneity. The policy implication of the above research conclusions is that the government should strengthen the understanding of the urban housing price formation mechanism,and thus promote the realization of relevant policy objectives more accurately.
Keywords:urban housing price;Global Vector Autoregression;network analysis;trans-regional interaction
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