谭文垦 胡建民 孙茂龙
(1.同济大学, 上海 200092;2.中国城市规划设计研究院汕头分院, 广东 汕头 515041)
[摘 要] 房地产泡沫测度研究是当前国际经济学研究的热点。在系统回顾国内外房地产泡沫测度研究的基础上,分析了现阶段房地产泡沫测度研究的主要特点、存在的问题以及将来的发展趋势。最后结合我国房地产泡沫测度研究存在的问题,提出了中国房地产泡沫测度研究应该尽快加强房地产泡沫内在机理探索,从当前的间接测度转向更深层次的直接测度的建议。
[关键词] 房地产泡沫,测度研究,特点,问题
Abstract: Studing on real estate bubbles has been one of the hottest issues in the field of economics. This paper reviews overseas and domestic studies on real estate bubbles systematically, summarizes main characteristics and existing problems of current studies, and forecasts the prospect of future study. Then it sums up existing difficulties in present domestic studies. Finally, based on former analysis, it points out that domestic studies should turn to the direct measurement research and strengthen the internal mechanism exploration of real estate bubbles from the indirect analysis nowadays.
Key words: real estate bubbles; measurement research; characteristics; issues
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