朱宏莉 林智敏
(1. 莆田学院土木工程学院,福建 莆田 351100;2. 天津理工大学管理学院,天津 300384)
Abstract:Through literature analysis,the social and economic development of each province and city is taken as the point of convergence,and five conditional factors affecting the development of prefabricated buildings in the region are extracted. Taking 24 provincial administrative districts as samples,the clear set qualitative comparative analysis(csQCA)method is used to explore the assembly development path of each region. Finally,it is verified that there is an asymmetry between the factors affecting the development of fabricated buildings and their development. It is feasible to vigorously develop prefabricated buildings nationwide,cities and provinces should put particular emphasis on the development of the policy system of prefabricated buildings.
Keywords:prefabricated building;influencing factor;QCA method
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