杜亚灵 凌美鲜
(天津理工大学管理学院,天津 300384)
Abstract:Through literature analysis,this paper identifies that the risk sharing of market demand changes in PPP projects for sewage treatment is realized through the minimum demand guarantee,and includes the total cost and the two-part charging structure.Then,selects three representative case projects,and makes a comparative analysis of their service fee settlement prices when the actual treated water volume is lower than or equal to the base water volume,between the base water volume and the designed water volume,and higher than the designed water volume,and discusses the relative rationality of each case. On the basis,gives three management suggestions for the PPP practice departments:①the public and the private should clearly and concretely agree on how to share risks in the PPP contract;②the realization of risk sharing between the public and the private should follow the principle of fairness and pursue the equalization of risks and benefits;③the public and the private should consider the interests of social public in the negotiation and consultation so as to achieve a win-win situation for all parties.
Keywords:sewage treatment;PPP project;market demand change;risk sharing
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