曾晓玲 何寿奎
(重庆交通大学经济与管理学院,重庆 400074)
Abstract:Aiming at the conflicts of interest between public and private parties in major engineering PPP projects,this paper analyzes the subjective and objective factors that lead to conflicts of interest,constructs a game model of public and private behavior evolution,and deeply discusses the causes and mechanisms of conflicts of interest,and analyzes the equilibrium points of the model. And the evolution path,the optimal equilibrium point and the bad equilibrium point of the final evolutionary stability strategy are obtained. The research shows that risk sharing cost,incentive compensation intensity,income distribution ratio and punishment intensity are the key factors affecting the positive cooperation between public and private parties. According to this,a relatively effective coordination mechanism is proposed to try to make the public and private parties in megaprojects achieve good cooperation and dissolve or eliminat,the conflict of interest.
Keywords:megaprojects;PPP;conflict of interest;evolutionary game;coordination mechanism
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