温洪英 钟宁轲 王莉苹
(1.中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司,四川 成都 610013;2.成都天府新区投资集团,四川 成都 610042)
Abstract:In this paper,Taking the project of Western China International Expo City(referred to as “Xibo City”)as an example,combines the construction technology of the steel structure paint of this project,analyses the causes of the doubtful and difficult problems in the pricing of steel structure paint,through the contradiction between the influencing factors of the paint consumption of steel structure,the pricing mode of quota and the actual expression form of steel structure paint,the difficulty in measuring the paint consumption of steel structure in construction. This paper tries to discuss the ways of solving disputes based on the principle of fairness and reasonableness. Finally,two methods of dispute resolution are proposed,elaborates its content and application in detail. At the same time,it raises the thinking of how to make the quota compilation more consistent with the reality so as to make the quota play a better role in the process of cost management.
Keywords:cost management;steel structure;paint;pricing;difficult points
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