(上海建科工程咨询有限公司,上海 200032)
Abstract: For traditional projects, the companies of design, construction and supervision are responsible for different work and specialties respectively. The internal relations of the construction project are separated by the stages and the professional division of the project management, leading to the lack of the overall control of the whole industry chain, so information flow breaks down and information is isolated, making it difficult for the owners to get the complete construction products and services. Based on the comparison and analysis of different consulting service modes, this paper puts forward a value evaluation system of life cycle project consulting based on VETS(Value-Events-Task-Stage) . According to the sequence of stage-task-event-value, starts from the events value, formes the overall quantitative value of the whole project by summing up the values with value-eventstask-stage step by step, provides reference for the owner to understand value of life cycle project consulting.
Keywords: construction project; life cycle project consulting; value evaluation; VETS; quantification
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