张红标 钟文龙
(深圳市建设工程造价管理站,广东 深圳 518031)

Abstract:The “Code for Calculating Building Area of Construction Engineering” and “Code for Measuring Real Estate” both adopt the term “building area” and have different definitions and algorithms. In addition,the allocation and sharing of building area in real estate sales have resulted in social confusion and misunderstanding of building area,real estate sales area and usage area. This paper analyzes the recognition and background of building area in construction industry and real estate industry,introduces the practices and regulations of building area and real estate area at home and abroad,discriminates building area,real estate sales area,usage area and real estate area from the angle of producers and consumers,and puts forward regulations and standard systems for setting up proper and independent building area and real estate area,so as to form a system,which unified terminology,dividing and governing standards,fixed relationship,each performing its duties,building area statistics and measurement patt.
Keywords:building area;real estate area;construction industry;real estate
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