葛继红 郭汉丁 窦媛
(天津城市建设学院管理工程系, 天津 300384)
[摘 要] 首先从内部、外部和内外部整合三个角度对国外经典企业竞争优势研究成果进行梳理;然后从顾客价值、企业间关系、创新能力、知识资源、企业集群、企业家才能和虚拟企业技术等六个方面概括了国内企业竞争优势的研究成果;最后基于我国建筑节能服务型企业实施合同能源管理运行模式特征分析和其自身核心竞争优势构建的设想,提出了我国建筑节能服务型企业竞争优势形成与发展的研究方向。
[关键词] 建筑节能;节能服务型企业;竞争优势;研究综述
Abstract: Foreign classic competitive advantage theories are summarized from three perspectives: the internal, the external and the integrated; and then this paper outlines the results of domestic competitive advantage research from customer value, inter-firm relations, innovation ability, knowledge resources, enterprise cluster, entrepreneurial ability, virtual enterprise and so on; lastly based on the characteristic analysis in EPC implementation of ESCO in China and the assumption in its core-competitive advantage, it puts forward the directions of the formation and development of ESCO′s competitive advantage in China.
Key words: building energy efficiency; ESCO; competitive advantage; research summary
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