严玲 郑童 李志钦
(天津理工大学管理学院,天津 300384)
Abstract:The governance strategy of public construction projects is a kind of combinatorial construct based on the dynamic and complementary effect of contract and relationship governance mechanism,which is deeply influenced by situational factors. This paper divides Chinese situational factors that affect the integration of public construction project governance mechanism into two dimensions:transaction and relationship,which can combine four situations. By the method of multiple case studies,explores the match and evolution of contract strategy in each situation combination,answers and explains the question that “how to choose different types of governance strategy in different contexts”. The results establish the matching relationship between the situational factors and the types of governance strategies,which provides a theoretical basis for the choice and optimization of governance strategies for public owners.
Keywords:public construction projects;projects governance strategy;contextual combined factors;multiple case studies
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