(苏州科技学院土木工程学院, 江苏 苏州 215011)
[摘 要] 分析了在我国建设领域推行合作伙伴模式的趋势、长期性和艰巨性,及其基本工作内容,包括制订合作伙伴模式特征标准、推行对象选择和合作伙伴思想的传播。提出了推行合作伙伴模式的渐进式策略,主要包括:合作伙伴模式从单个工程建设项目到多项目合作伙伴模式的推行,由初步水平到高层次水平合作伙伴模式的推行,由单一施工阶段到设计与施工密切结合的合作伙伴模式的推行,和工程建设项目全寿命周期合作伙伴模式的推行。
[关键词] 建设领域;合作伙伴模式;渐进式策略
Abstract: This paper discusses the trend of construction industry of China, hard and longterm characteristics for propelling the implementation of partnering model in China, and the fundamental steps of promoting the partnering, which include: setting the standards of partnering, choosing the appropriate partners and projects, and spreading partnering ideas among all the partners. It presents the gradual improvement tactics of the partnering which consist of the application of partnering from the single construction project to the multiple construction project, from the project partnering to the strategic partnering, from the single construction phase to the process that embodies the construction phase and the design phase, and finally to the whole life of construction project.
Key words: construction industry; partnering model; gradual improvement tactics
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