(1.北京交通大学经济管理学院, 北京 100044;2.中铁建设集团有限公司, 北京 100040)
[摘 要] 我国建筑业结构复杂且绩效水平低,其基本特征符合哈佛学派的理论,但规模与利润率负相关的现实无法用该理论解释。采用芝加哥的效率主义学派理论实证分析,发现我国建筑企业的绩效主要是建立在企业效率基础之上的,而市场结构会通过扭曲的市场行为影响企业的效率。以规模和效率两条线索为理论指导,以提高产业的绩效水平作为我国建筑业市场结构优化的核心目标,围绕规模的优化使市场结构趋于合理化,围绕效率的优化使市场结构趋于高级化,构建我国建筑业市场结构优化模式。
[关键词] 建筑业;规模;效率;结构优化
Abstract: The structure is complex and the performance level is low in construction industry of our country. The basic characteristics conform to the theory of the Harvard School.But the negative correlation on the scale and rate of profit cannot be explained by the theory. According to the empirical analysis with Efficiency Doctrine of Chicago School, we find the performance mainly builds on the basis of efficiency in the construction industry of our country.The market structure will affect the efficiency of enterprises through the distorted market behavior.The paper establishes the optimization model to rationalize market structure surrounding the optimization of scale, and to make the market structure be more advanced surrounding the optimization of efficiency under the guidance of the scale and efficiency theory and the objective of improving the level of industry performance.
Key words: construction industry; scale; efficiency; structure optimization
[7]施蒂格勒.产业组织与政府管制[M].上海:人民出版社,1996. (编辑 谭丰华)


