叶晓甦 朱慧玲 李丹丹 石世英
(1.重庆大学,重庆 400045;2.河南理工大学,河南 焦作 454003)

Abstract:On the basis of researching and applying the historical materialism of Marx doctrine,and combining the experience and problems of the social and economic development environment,as well as the practice of PPP in China,this paper combs the results of the theoretical research at home and abroad,analyzes the connotation and extension of the concept of PPP,explores the attributes,characteristics and organizations of Chinese government and social investors,puts forward that the characteristics of Chinese PPP’s partnership is “Co-construction,Risk-sharing,Benefit-sharing,Co-create” and “3E+P” Evaluation Boundary of Value for Money in PPP Projects.
Keywords:Chinese PPP;PPP characteristic;partnerships;PPP borders
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