邓晓梅 王圣龙 马长捷
(清华大学,北京 100084)

Abstract:This paper analyzes the connotation of the architect responsibility system and the supervision-engineer system,and compares the effects in the following 4 aspects:design intention implementation and architectural design improvement,construction quality and safety assurance,communication efficiency,and owner’s project management services. Research shows that the architect responsibility system works better on ensuring the design intention to be followed in construction,and promoting the coordination of design and construction during construction phase,under the clear distribution of quality liability between the architect and the contractor. Chinese supervision-engineer system should have served the owner better on its specialized construction project management services. However,this value was badly impaired by the opaque definition of the supervision-engineer’s on-site liability and the absence of pre-construction services. China should follow the core idea of architect responsibility system,and encourage the engineering consulting services to cover all the project implementation processes and to work in an integrative way.
Keywords:architect responsibility system;supervision-engineer system;design intention;engineering consulting
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