李德智 王桂林
(东南大学土木工程学院,江苏 南京 210096)
Abstract:On the basis of analyzing the carbon sources in the manufacturing phase of reiteration plates,the paper proposes a framework for assessing the carbon emission of a reiteration plate by applying the Carbon Emission Coefficient Method(CECM). Taking a pre-stressed concrete reiteration plate that produced and entitled HB2022-1 by a fabricated component factory for prefabricated buildings as an example,collects its consumed labor,materials,machinery and energy through field measurements,calculates the carbon emission of one HB2022-1 PC plate during its manufacturing phase. Furthermore,puts forward some countermeasures to reduce the carbon emission in the manufacturing phase of reiteration plates.
Keywords:prefabricated building;reiteration plates;carbon emission;manufacturing phase
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