刘枬 轩朵 陈蕴
(1.重庆交通大学经济与管理学院,重庆 400074;2.英国索尔福德大学商学院,英国 索尔福德)
Abstract:For the issues of real estate information service including large amount of information,information asymmetry and traditional information service can not meet the demand,the paper analyzes the challenges of large data technology to real estate information services combining with the research results in the field of real estate big data,such as the extraction of effective information is difficult,data storage and processing speed need to be improved,lack of data sharing or exchange mechanism and data security is not perfect. In order to cope with the challenges,puts forward countermeasures by improving the data information processing technology,standarizing the transaction of real estate information data,enhancing data security protection technology and strengthening the talents training of big data related fields.
Keywords:real estate;information service;big data;challenge;countermeasure
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