(首都经济贸易大学城市学院, 北京 100070)

[摘 要] 本文以我国城市化特征和地方政府行为模式特点为研究的出发点,在基础设施投资与城市经济增长相互关系理论的基础上,全面探讨我国土地出让金在城市化和城市经济增长中做出贡献的作用机理:由于城市建设需要大量资金,而地方政府预算内收入不足,地方政府将土地出让金纳入财政收入并用于城市基础设施建设投资,从而推动了城市经济增长。在理论分析基础上,提出对二者关系进行实证分析的思路及未来研究方向。
[关键词] 土地出让金;城市经济增长;城市化;政府行为模式;基础设施投资
Abstract: This paper analyzes the functional mechanism of land premium's contribution to the urban economic growth based upon the study of the characteristics of urbanization of China, the behavior mode of local governments and the theories of the interrelation of investment on infrastructure and city economic growth: as the city construction requires large amount of capital, the local governments bring the land premium into the fiscal revenue for urban construction investment due to insufficient budget, including the investment of infrastructure facilities to boost urban economic development. Then, it puts forward the thought of empirical analysis about relationship between them, and research direction in the future.
Key words: land premium; urban economic growth; urbanization; government behavior mode; infrastructure investment



